Fanday Friday! Preview

Gentlemen and Gentlewomen of the Vox Chaotica Council! You may have noticed a trend in my posts the last two weeks. They've been put up late, on the wrong day, and are not as table-flippingly hilarious as they were earlier in my blogging life. "Yeah, well, that's because you suck!" shouts our ignorant Internet bystander. And touché to you, good sir or madam, it seems you have enough intelligence to both use correct punctuation and not just randomly swear. Good on you. But you're wrong.

I'm sorry. I feel like I've let you all down (which is weird because I think I only have two people who read my blog religiously–one being my mum, and the other being someone you will hear about in a short while), because when I say something, like how I'm going to post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I keep my word to the absolute best of my ability. It's a point of pride, and it hurts my fragile soul that I haven't lived up to my self-imposed schedule.

<img src="images/crappyresolutionpicture" alt="Lordy this is a bad picture of me.">

Which leads me to this post, which you may have noticed is decidedly not a Fanday Friday! post. Unfortunately for everyone, no one was ready for this Fanday Friday. I have four people lined up to do Fanday Friday! posts, but everyone has been so busy that all involved parties just couldn't bring it together in time. So I'll give you lovely readers a preview...

Soon to be covered:

KaLeena, writer, businesswoman, soon-to-be overlord of all things American Airways. She runs a great blog here on wordpress. She's a pretty awesome person, and the first to write enough in her response to my questionnaire to fill eight pages (!). I had the pleasure of wandering around the greater Gilbert area with her and her not-by-blood-brother, Taylor and meeting her major friend group, who are all sorts of interesting and full of fun and life.

Megan, jeweler, Etsy shop owner, creative, and sweetest person award winner. She has fantastic design for her jewelry, which spans Legend of Zelda, Star Trek, Star Wars, Avengers, Sonic and everything in between. I've known this amazing lady since junior high school, and she's always been one of the most delightful people to be around–always joyful and trying to make sure everyone is as bubbly and excited as she is. Fun fact: she's a triplet, though only two are identical and one sister is fraternal.

Riley, guitarist extraordinaire, artist of the highest caliber, and my not-by-blood-brother. He plays guitar like a freaking riot (in the best way possible), though he'll tell you he's not very good–I think he's a bloody damn liar. He also makes amazing art which is full of personality and his fantastic brand of dark humour. I met him in Algebra 2 back in high school, but got to know him in a pretty awful J-Rock band we played in called Nightingale Tale (we played one show, but that show made us rockstars; we actually, honestly got kicked off the roof of the hotel for practicing there).

Ariana, painter, admirer of surreal art, sometimes ravenous eater of Smarties. She also runs a blog here on wordpress, which showcases her immense talent on the canvas (and other media). Honestly, I just met her in one of my classes–her art struck a chord with me, and so she has graciously allowed me to learn more about her and her art for an upcoming spotlight.

I have also contacted another few artists but have not yet heard from them... BACK TO THE ELECTRONIC MAILING MACHINE! *shouts out of frame* Alan! Where do I put the stamps? What do you mean there are no stamps? I spent all this time arranging my electronic printing press and carefully aligning all these characters to make letters in precise pixel orientations, and I WON'T GET TO MAIL THEM?!

Yes, children, I made that thing Alan is holding. Be totally in awe, and never notice my male pattern baldness!tl;dr No Fanday Friday! this week again, but it's because it was the week from Hel–the Norse goddess of the Underworld (Niflheim or Helheim... YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE MY NORSE TENDENCIES!). But I apologise, and you get a little preview for the friendly amazing people you will get to hear about in the coming weeks!