
This is Cutter Videan Industries, home to the various ventures of Lord Cutter Videan. Chief among these is Second Sight Academy, a school to teach Tarot. Musical composition, recording, and production lives under the Hero of Time Studios moniker. Vox Chaotica (a very strange and fascinating chronicle of Cutter’s thoughts) is a sometimes blog.

Okay, that literally took seven whole days to come up with because I have an incredible issue with being what I like to call Business Direct. Words are too much fun, so here’s a better taste of what I’m like:

The dull red light of the alarm clock flashes over to 2:11AM, momentarily banishing the faint glow of moonlight through the window shade. Cutter Videan turns over in his sleep, his dreams plagued by spectral images of Medieval figures holding swords, and also sky whales. At 6:02 sharp, he rises from bed, kisses his well-loved plush tiger, Timber, and sits at the computer. He’s writing this. Right now. …how M E T A…!

Though in the middle of shifting from domestic to international, Cutter has spent the last seven years as a teacher; music to Pre-K and Kindergarten children, gen. ed. to 4th then 1st (in Arizona), then—after a much needed move to Denver, Colorado—6th & 7th & 8th graders, and most recently as combined middle and high school Theatre teacher.

The rest of his life is unequally divided between creative endeavours. He teaches Tarot; occasionally [like very occasionally] composes, records, and produces music; plays way too many video games for his mother’s liking [350 hours is a normal amount of time to play Tears of the Kingdom in two months, right?]; reads way too few books for his sister’s liking, and embarks on various literary-based adventures: like Vox Chaotica and a grand-scale D&D campaign for his friends.